Church Planting Institute (CPI) overlaps with Project Philip because it is a natural step for a Philip to become a church planter. The Project Philip program is designed to help local churches grow by training members to be evangelist-disciple-makers in their own local area.

Church Planter training just sends them a little further a field in to a town or village where there is no church. In essence, it involves helping local congregations start “daughter” churches (“home missions”). This strategy is also called saturation church planting. The idea is to disciple whole nation (DAWN) by planting a church in every village, town, or city neighborhood. The Bible League Cambodia trains almost 300 church planters every year. 

Church Planter training also overlaps with Project Philip because the two levels of Project Philip, evangelism and discipleship, are the first two steps in Church Planting. The CPI training is practical (focusing of skills) rater than academic/theological. It equips workers with five essential skills (Evangelism, Disciple-making, Membership, Developing new leaders, and Worship). Church Planters use the Project Philip tools and training (Bible study booklets) to accomplish the first two stages of their church planting. 

We recruit donor partners to support the Church Planter Training ministry. Some donors support individual church planters and receive reports of the church planter’s progress. Other donors support an entire class of church planters called a Church Planting Center (CPC)

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