The Cambodian Christian Churches Network's ministry goes beyond providing the Scriptures people need. We make sure those Scriptures are used for evangelism, discipleship, and church growth. That's what makes the Cambodian Christian Churches Network unique.
We work with local churches in different countries and places, teaching them to draw seekers into Bible studies. Christians trained by the Cambodian Christian Churches Network gathered people into small groups for Bible studies.
We do not consider our mission completed until new converts are enfolded into the fellowship of a church. New Christians became church members as a result of our ministry.
In areas where there is no local church, we train Christians to establish new churches. Christians trained by the Cambodian Christian Churches Network established new congregations in previously unreached communities.
If you are interested in making a measurable difference through missions, partner with the Cambodian Christian Churches Network. Your gifts will start bearing fruit right away. The Cambodian Christian Churches Network can report the number of Scriptures you help provide, as well as the number of people studying those Scriptures, the number of new Christians joining the Church, and the number of new churches being planted. You'll have a real sense of how many lives you've helped change.
Our Purpose
We are called by God to provide Scriptures and training worldwide so that people prepared by the Holy Spirit will be brought into the fellowship of Christ and His Church.
Our Service
We accomplish our purpose effectively by:
- Providing Bibles and related materials through cost-efficient placement systems.
- Promoting personal, family, and small group Bible study.
- Partnering with churches and mission organizations, supplying them with Bibles, related materials, and training in church planting and Scripture placement.
- Protecting donor investments through accountability systems that measure and report
- the results our ministry partners achieve, through the grace of God.
We believe this ministry belongs to God. We depend on God for the success of this ministry and are submissive to His will. We "work as though it's up to us and pray as though it's up to God."
We believe integrity is too important to be taken for granted. We will be truthful in the statistics we report, the stories we tell, and the impression we leave with our partners. Each employee has the feasibility to see this happens.
We believe we are accountable to God and man. God has called us to be good stewards of His resources, to be efficient and effective in whatever we do. We invite examination of our fulfillment of this calling by providing appropriate financial and ministry reports.
We believe the world needs God’s Word more than anything else. Because sin is the root of all humanity’s problems, it is this need that must be addressed before all others. Permanent, meaningful change must come from within, and only God’s Word makes that possible.
We believe in valuing our ministry partners. We value our donor partners by reporting back to them, involving them in ministry work, and making ourselves available to them. We value our recipient partners by adapting materials and methods according to their needs.
We believe that all our employees should be valued, respected, and encouraged in their personal growth and initiative. We expect all employees to be believers in Christ and to have a commitment to the Cambodian Christian Churches Network's ministry. We provide each worker with the necessary training and the proper tools for the tasks required. We also work to establish an atmosphere of mutual encouragement, development, and service.
We believe that innovation and adaptability are necessary to being efficient and effective. We are receptive to change in all areas of ministry and we encourage new ideas that will help us accomplish our mission efficiently and effectively.
To win the lost souls of Cambodia for Jesus Christ by:
“A Church in every Community Planted by Ordinary Member Equipped with Practical Skills and Encouraged to Work Together”.