The newest phase of the development of our National Christian Churches Network Cambodia Council ministry strategy involves and effort to help churches all over the world complete the great commission and fulfill Christ’s command to preach the gospel to all nations.
An Unreached People’s strategy will involve building the capacity of national churches to become mission-sending churches. Acts 1:8 calls every church to reach its Jerusalem (Project Philip), Judea and Samaria (CPI) and uttermost part of the earth (Unreached Peoples).
Unreached People overlap both Project Philip and Church Planting because we will need to use both the Project Philip tools and the CPI skills. But it will also require the development of specialized cross-cultural training and the development of new nation mission-sending organizational structures.
National Christian Churches Network Cambodia Council is in unique position to develop this ministry because we have long-standing supportive relationships with national churches. Some of these churches seem to have a particular passion for sending out missionaries. We have begun to identify a number of Apostolically Gifted People Groups people or nations in whom God has placed a strong sense of missionary calling that we can approach as partners in this effort to reach the least evangelized part of the world. To focus these efforts we are using John 21:11 and the story of the miraculous catch of fish, to develop a list o 153 great fish, 153 unreached people groups within reach of the disciple-making national churches who have been our Project Philip and CPI partners.
The unreached people group strategy overlaps with the Church Planting strategy because National Christian Churches Network Cambodia Council “Philips” and Church planters are already working in more than 10 of these people groups.
The ministries of National Christian Churches Network Cambodia Council fit together strategically. When local churches learn to reach out to their own communities, they begin the challenging journey, which will ultimately involve them in world evangelization. When you read Acts 1:8 (Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the earth), imagine throwing a stone into a pond. The outward ripples eventually spread across the whole pond. Now imagine a thousand people around the pond If they are all equipped to throw a hand-full of stones, there will not be one square inch of the pond left un-rippled. It is the goal of National Christian Churches Network Cambodia Council to provide scriptures and training to the churches so that when they launch out in missions, not one square inch of the earth will be left un-touched.