"Jesus was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, and he said, ‘O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike.

Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way.'" Luke 10:21

Many of us will celebrate Thanksgiving by having a big family gathering and special dinner. We may even go around the table and ask people what they are most thankful for before eating. The answers will vary, but the responses will often center on family, friends, health or the Lord’s daily provisions.

If Jesus were sitting with your family, what would He say?

I do not remember ever hearing a Thanksgiving sermon based on Luke 10:21. Jesus’ words here are unusual — and even a bit puzzling and obscure. But we find the essence of what makes the Lord, Himself, rejoice.

Seventy of His disciples had just returned from sharing the Gospel in village after village. They had seen Satan’s power broken. They had experienced God’s protection from harm and victory over evil spirits. They came back amazed and rejoicing!

Jesus then turned to His Father and gave thanks. He thanked God that ordinary people, “childlike” new disciples, were able to know and do the will of God. These ordinary people experienced the extraordinary power of God as they went out proclaiming the Gospel. Their names were already written in heaven, and they had gone out and added even more names. In verse 23, Jesus says, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you have seen.”

This Thanksgiving, we give thanks for what we have seen Him do! Ordinary people, like you and me, are serving Jesus faithfully by giving themselves and living for Him. We rejoice in the victories over evil, fear and bondage in family after family around the world. We rejoice that thousands of names are now recorded in heaven because of the power that Jesus demonstrates through His modern-day disciples.

Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry. May you and your loved ones have a joyous Thanksgiving celebration!

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